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Being adequate is not good enough ,
having strong mentality of determine will be better .

About me ?




It's poignant and it's inexplicable.. but I'll simulate silent and inhibit here..

Craving ☆

♥ Distinction for every module
♥ Hair-fashion Diploma
♥ Hair-fashion Nitec certificate
♥ LV bag
♥ New guitar
♥ Learn electric guitar
♥ A Classical piano
♥ Continue my piano grade
♥ 10 sets of clothes
HTC Hero
Spare phone
iPod touch
Gucci handbag
Burberry wallet
Green Wallet
Grow taller
Trip to Korea!
Be a hairstylist!
4 'A's for N level [Failed]
4 distinctions for prelim!
Desired Shoes

No-link ☆

- HairFashion & Design ☆
♂ Victor
♂ Tyson
♂ Loren
♀ Maya
♀ Ain
♀ Long Ting
♀ Pei San
♥ Friend
♥ Friend

- Maplers ☆
♀ Shan
♀ Vivian
♀ Coolrainx
♀ Sherry
♀ Yumeki
♀ Kathleen
♀ Regine
♀ Rainie
♂ Joel
♂ Lws
♂ Sherwin
♂ Ming Kang
♂ ZhiHui
♥ Mapler
♥ Mapler

- Audition ☆
♥ LV Fam
♀ Jie Ying
♀ Michelle
♀ Ashley
♀ Jocelyn
♀ Yan Ling
♂ Sungmin
♂ Sherman
♥ Audition
♥ Audition

- Friends ☆
♀ Janice
♀ Amide
♀ Joyce
♀ Kai Yee
♀ Nazrin
♀ Huda
♀ Mershal
♀ Su yi
♀ Cindy
♀ Xue wei
♀ Shu yi
♀ Shahira
♀ Jacqueline
♀ Hui Ling
♀ Qi Shan
♀ Noraliza
♀ Kim Wah
♀ Jin Yu
♀ Jie Min
♀ Xi xia
♀ Li Ling
♀ Esther
♀ Kolyn
♀ Melynda
♂ Bala
♂ Ashley
♂ Jason
♂ Jeremy
♂ Darrall
♂ Hong Zhi
♂ Zhe Bin
♂ Alex
♂ Daryl
♂ Wei Jie
♂ Heng Leong
♂ Chuan Wah
♂ Alvin
♂ Kah Wai
♂ Winston
♂ Tingyi
♂ Victor
♂ Zann
♂ Mun Wai
♂ Jerom
♂ Andrew
♂ Willy
♂ Liye
♂ Chun Cheng
♥ Friend
♥ Friend

- Hope-Church ☆
♀ Jazz
♀ Ace
♀ Jasmine
♀ Hui Yin
♀ Leanne
♀ Shareen
♀ Jul
♀ Felicia
♀ Ting Ting
♀ Jing Ting
♂ Shawn
♂ Kenneth
♂ Luke
♂ Paul
♂ Peretz
♥ Hope-Church
♥ Hope-Church

Chit-chat ☆

Please tag with your NAME!
Do NOT leave any dirty comments!

Nostalgia ☆

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

April 2010

May 2010

August 2010

September 2010

October 2010

Entertainment ☆

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey peers! I was requested to update my blog again~ haha! Was kinda busy this whole week. Gotta prepare goodies bag, uber big cake and Power Point slides presentation for LLA project. Basically my group members is gonna celebrate belated Children's Day celebration for the kids at Graceheaven hostel. Eventually I've completed the presentation slides within 6 hours! Looking forward to that day, hopefully everything goes smooth.. It's the third day being with my dearest girl. Received two letters from her yet I haven't reply once.. I'll write her 2 letters when we meet again. Her mom is coming back tomorrow, doubt we could meet and talk as often.

To my girl SSS: Don't be afraid that the feeling will fades over times or if I'll see other girls. I will promise to protect my eyes from lust and dust! HAHA hmm~ be rest assured because temporary break makes the bondage stronger and strongest. Just concentrate on your studies first ya. Chin up my dearest girl! Don't get over stress out too ya. At times it may be pretty lethargic to work on but must have determination and aim for your goals. Endure and strive hard and definitely your results will be paid off ultimately. All the best sweetheart ^^,

Somehow I'm attracted deeply to her day by day already. She's different from all my previous ones. Just mere unique and special to me. She's my addiction and becoming part and parcel of my life now. I enjoyed and cherish the moments we had spent together.

I'm in L-O-V-E !~ <3

11:11:00 PM

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey my reading pals! I was requested to update my deadly blog. Didn't on my desktop much so not gonna update that often. Well, recently I've been facing lots of conflicts in church and in school. Misunderstanding, miscommunication and assumption seems to be part of it. Not gonna elaborate much on it though. For church stuff, I'll leave everything to God. All I wanna do is, put my whole heart in my studies, that's it. Not gonna let things hit me down so easily. It's my holiday now~ feel like working that is related to my interests. Somehow I got the urge of striving hard for what I want in my life. Thought of learning dance, pop piano and singing classes with someone. Not gonna reveal the name out unless she allow me to. That particular someone is kinda special to me. She's like a mirror image of myself. Be it in interests, likings and a lot more. I enjoy hanging out with her, talk to her though we just know each other for just a week or so. Eventually I had found someone that can shares my feelings and common passion. I'm those kinda quiet person so pardon me if I don't talk much however I will try my best to speak up. I'm looking forward to learn new stuff with her and strive through the hardship together. Even if I imagine it, I feel full of enthusiasm! HAHA~ Alright, I shall end here. Good night my peers, cheers!

10:11:00 PM

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hey my reading pals! Eventually I'm back after ups and downs life. Lots of circumstances obstruct along. Basically I've decided to be a good book in front of my lecturers. Initially, I thought one of my lecturer dislike me etc. So I approach her and have a good talk. I was stupefied by her words, saying "I am actually not a good book in front of those lecturers". Probably because of my attendance and my hair etc.. Somehow I was enlightened by her too. Decided to dye my hair black, cut it short etc. Doing what I am suppose to be, as a student. I chose this course, this path myself. Hence I must do my very best in it. Came to realised, I've wasted for the whole 7months doing nothing. Truancy is still part and parcel in my tertiary life. Thought I would change after graduating from my secondary school's life. After pondering for a night, I gotta sacrifice something to achieve something greater. I've made this decision is to be someone great so that I could protect her ahh.. )'; I have been missing someone uber deeply.. I won't do anything because I'm afraid if I can resist myself. All I could say is.. I'm sorry.. Hope by times, she will understand.. I don't expect much from her, just hope that she can be happy. Saranghae..

The feeling is rather intricate and devastate.. Gotta feign on smile to hide the enervated me.. Being good book in front of my lecturers is really tiring.. At times, I just need some encouragement. Not advising me, what's right and wrong. I know what I am doing just hope someone could understand me, rooting for my thoughts. Been seeking God for directions. Never thought of doubting God. In fact, my relationship with God is pretty stable. Trying to go for extra miles. I know the purpose of going church, going for care group. Friendship is also partially the purpose of going too. I couldn't have been so stable without my church-mates around me, guiding me along. So I took them as important, don't wish to have conflicts here and there. People says conflicts will bring the friendship bonding deeper. Yes I agreed with that however at the other hand, it also will deprive the closeness between us if we don't handle it well. Sometime I tend to doubt myself in their eyes whether am I trustworthy in words etc. There was once, my friends which they think they are older than me so didn't take my words for granted. I may be younger than them but doesn't mean by experiences is weak. Somehow I feel the awkwardness and odds between the friendship. I hope this time I am over sensitive..

5:37:00 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Recently, I've been alone in school. I chose to leave my friends because of some reasons. I didn't wanna say cause I don't wish to spoil the friendship between you guys. Frankly, when I decided not to join you guys. It's really heartfelt.. You guys kept asking me what happened etc. If I were to say, I think I'm just too selfish therefore I chose to inhibit everything to myself. Don't worry, I can be alone and I'm used to it. Hope that one day we could be good friend like before.. It's really happy spending time with you guys.

Fortunately, LLA was cancelled today! Hope every week could be like this manzxc! -__-
Went to CG today at Dhoby Ghaut Green. We play games, it was fun. Quite happy in fact. We started to Praise and Worship God, we were singing out loud to God. Suddenly some insensible, childish fag throw a small container of jelly thingy to us. They came and sit down watching us. Initially we didn't know it was done by them and guess what? They "shh" at us probably cause they think we're too noisy. They went off just right we were gonna end our prayer. I find it really childish and brainless doing such stuff. To the bunch of kids, please get-a-life! Stop behaving like "ah beng" like as if the whole world gonna suits your will. Get your crook brain wash and wake up from reality -.- By the way, for your information, Dhoby Ghaut Green is open for all and we ain't making much noisy! Not happy go other place. You guys look like probably 16~18 years old and I bet my maturity is beyond yours. This really turn me off seeing people wanna step "beng" yet need others to back up. If violence is the only way to solve things out, what is police for? I really pity you and your parents. Do you ever think for your parents, how would they feel if they know you are messing with nuisance people wasting away your bright future.. They will feel heartbreaking! !@#$%^&*(@^#%#~!

10:15:00 PM

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Phew~ Examinations coming, lotsa tests these few days. I promised if I got into this course, I will study hard and I will give it my best. Revision revision -__- stress manzxc!

Recently, my mood wasn't good. Probably I'm tedious.. Today went out with Chriscia, Sophie, Jie ren and Christina. Initially we planned it nicely, thought of going Kbox, shopping, movie and dinner. I was so excited and so looking forward to it yet it turns out to be a truculent day for me.. I told them to meet at 3pm and don't be late cause the Kbox package starts at 2~6.30pm. I'm supposed to collect my pay at Parkway, 2pm and I'll meet them at Kbox instead. I afraid they are impatient so I took cab rush down to Parkway and cab down to Marina Square to meet them. I reach the counter at 3pm, I was stupefied when the lady say "No one come yet". I took out my phone and saw Chriscia's message saying they just left their house.. I got so piss off, call them and start ranting my anger on them.. I didn't mean it just hope that you guys can adjust and manage your time well. Eventually, they reached at 5.45pm .__. Have our dinner and watch movie. Decided to watch District 13-Ultimate, the storyline is still acceptable. After that, wanna do some shopping. Sadly, most of the shops is closing.. sigh,

Every week before LLA lesson, I will prepare my Itouch. Just don't bother to know what the "teacher" gonna teach. Frankly speaking, I'm sick of seeing her face.. Don't blame me by showing nonchalant attitude. You are the one who started it first. You don't even respect me, why should I even bother to respect you? I tell you what, you will never get a tinge of respect from me ever. You don't deserve it anyway. Heard before? "Respect is to earn" Before you want me to respect you, show me how you gonna gain it. I am pretty angry when I know I have already handed in my homework EARLY yet you wanna send me warning letter. You had just deprive the respect and good expression I have in you. I attend your lesson not because I am interested in your lesson. I am more concern about my other modules cause I can't get my certificate if I don't complete all modules. I do it for my sake not yours. Don't have to waste your time and go around asking about me. Don't even bother to talk to me too cause ultimately, you're are just talking to yourself.

I shall bathe and sleep now. Tomorrow gonna meet my dearest sister(Jazzlene) at 1pm for shopping then go church whee~ Good night my peers!

12:35:00 AM

Respect me and I'll respect you =]